
17 May 2011

The truth about life

At some point in our lives, we all experience the pain of letting go and giving up. It may be as simple as giving up your favorite toy to charity or to a more complicated dilemma of losing someone you dearly love. Whatever the cause of our suffering and pain, it all boils down to a simple truth that nothing is permanent in this world. 

All that we have right now is temporary and not ours to own. Family, friends, loved-ones, they were all given to us as part of this life cycle. They may all be gone one day but the mark they will leave in your heart and in your life remains forever. 

Giving up on something you believe in or of someone you have treasured doesn’t mean that the game is over, it only means the you are now ready to move forward, explore different places, meet new people, learn from new experiences and hope that one day, when you look back, all that you’ll think of are the fond memories you had with the people you’ve left behind. No bitterness. No pain. No hatred. But a deeper understanding that life sometimes offers us the great challenge of saying goodbye in order for us to live life to its fullest. 

"We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don't really get solved. They come together and they fall apart." ~ Pema Chodron